File index of fsxNet Mystic BBS Utils, Mods etc. page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 24-02-2020 10 Kb. 32
         ,,eee$$$  ,,aaa,.  $$$eea,.
        $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
        $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
        $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$  ..
        $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
        `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P'  $$$
    Mystic 2-Factor Authenticator [MPY]
  * Add 2-Factor One-Time Password Auth
  * Creates TOTP QR Code ANSIs on Your BBS
  * Compatiable With Any TOTP Apps:
    Authy/Microsoft/Google Authenticators
  * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
62 25-04-2020 2 Kb. 33
  /-+/                                     -+ \
 /  / Mystic v1.12 a45+ animated pause prompt! \
|  |     v1.02 by maskreet of Throwback BBS
|  |              and DoorParty!
|  |
|  |       telnet://
 \  \        /
63 13-05-2020 15 Kb. 26
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
    join/login quotes // mystic 1.12+
 a script to display various quotes when
 another user is joining a BBS, similar
 to old IRC scripts and like todays some
 IM programs do.
 you can add your own quotes, add colors
 and even effects if you have the skills
64 13-01-2020 18 Kb. 27
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
             GophLog v1.0
maintain a gopher site and a http site,
remotely, using Mystic BBS. you write
your blog once and is exported as Gopher
and HTTP site, at the same time.
                     MPY // Linux // RPi
65 30-09-2019 8 Kb. 30
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
      Mystic BBS Gopher Client v1.0
  This is a Gopher client for Mystic BBS
in MPY format. You can use it to conenct
to any Gopher site, via a BBS. It can
download textfiles, make search queries
and also add bookmarks.
66 dpr_flbr.ZIP 07-07-2020 165 Kb. 50
         ,,eee$$$  ,,aaa,.  $$$eea,.
        $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
        $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
        $$$ 0 $$$ $$$ 0 $$$ $$$ 0} ..
        $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
        `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P'  $$$
              File Browser [MPY]
   * Display groups, bases, files, and
     descriptions on a single window
   * SEXYz download support (included)
   * Lightbar and scrolling text supported
   * Built on top of .dPR. Menus
   * For Linux Mystic 1.12 A44+
   * For Windows Mystic 1.12 A46+
67 01-08-2020 10 Kb. 23
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
       Inter BBS File Search v1.0
 Search files in any connected BBS. With
 this script we combine the file areas
 of all BBSes into one unique file
 repository. User can make a search query
 via your  BBS and get the results from
 any Inter BBS connected system.
 Mystic BBS 1.12A44+ / Linux / Win / RPi
68 04-09-2020 111 Kb. 32
Mystic BBS QWK Network Install Instructions
Step by Step Instructions on how to set up
   Mystic BBS v1.12a46 to a QWK Network.
    Added screen shots to documentation
   Black Panther(RCS) - Castle Rock BBS 
69 12-10-2020 6 Kb. 31
              Official Release
      RCS Scrollz Announcements V0.7b
 Ever wanted to be able to have a scrolling
   announcement on your Main Menu of your
  Mystic BBS system? Now you can! This MPL
   gives you the ability to have up to 10
   messages that are randomly chosen and
   displayed. The INI file gives you the
 options as to where you want it place, the
    speed and even the color of the text.
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 
70 12-10-2020 4 Kb. 34
              Official Release
           RCS Last Callers V0.8b
   This is a replacement for the default
     Mystic last callers menu command.
 Features an ANSI header that will display
    with the last 10 callers information
 below. Easy install as it is a Mystic MPL
   for Mystic BBS v1.12+. Don't let your
   board use stock options that everyone
       else is using! Get creative!
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
      Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020 

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