File index of fsxNet Mystic BBS Utils, Mods etc. page 9

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
81 09-12-2020 16 Kb. 25
              Official Release
           RCS Time Bank ATM v1.3
   This MPL gives your users another way
  to access the Time Bank. This ATM lets
  users check their balance, deposit and
 withdraw time, all with being secure via
   their own PIN number. Give your BBS
  something a little different than the
  regular time bank menu. Why have your
     BBS look like everyone elses?
 Automatic support for 132x37 screen size
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2020
     RCS Development Team - (c)2020 
82 06-01-2021 49 Kb. 31
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
   MysticBB // Forum Style Local msgs.
  a complete forum style bulleting board
  for local messaging. it has all the
  abilities of a forum like:
  % create/edit forums and topics
  % search the entire forum
  % list only new topics since scan date
  % use BBCodes to format text
  % uses ACS to allow/deny access to
    areas of the forum
  % full ansi code support and pipe clrs
  % emoticons support
  % download post text
  % export/backup system files and
83 12-01-2021 19 Kb. 28
              Official Release
            RCS Top Callers v1.0
 This MPL gives you an overview of the top
   callers on your BBS. It shows the top
   calls, message posts, post/call ratio,
    top up/downloaders, and UL/DL ratio.
 Automatic support for 132x37 screen size
   Custom ANSI screens included for both
      80x25 and 132x37 display modes.
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2021
     RCS Development Team - (c)2021 
84 12-01-2021 17 Kb. 28
              Official Release
             RCS User Stats V1.0
 This MPL will give the user all the stats
 they can think of from their account, and
  perhaps a few more. Custom ANSI screens
 make this MPL look nice in your prelogin
 sequence. Easy to install! Automattically
 adjusts for 80x25 and 132x37 display mode
   Don't let your board use stock options
        that everyone else is using!
               Get creative!
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
           BBS community in 2021
      RCS Development Team - (c)2021 
85 15-01-2021 20 Kb. 30
              Official Release
              RCS Callers v1.0
 This MPL gives you a combination of both
 the last callers, and a who's online, all
           contained on one screen.
 Automatic support for 132x37 screen size
   Custom ANSI screens included for both
      80x25 and 132x37 display modes.
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2021
     RCS Development Team - (c)2021 
86 19-03-2021 20 Kb. 28
              Official Release
          RCS Party Time! v1.0
  Party Time! MPL will show your users a
 list of all users celebrating a birthday
 and new users within the last seven days.
  There is also a oneliner at the bottom
   of the screen to leave a message for
   them! This MPL will auto detect both
  80x25 and 132x37 terminal sizes! This
 does require Mystic v1.12a47+, as there
  are new functions being used that were
     added during the pre-alpha stage
       Custom ANSI screens included!
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2021
   RCS Development Team(RCS) - (c)2021 
87 23-05-2021 119 Kb. 30
              Official Release
             RCS Game Room v1.2
   RCS Game Room is an easy way to set up
   doors within Mystic, and includes nice
           looking lightbar menus.
 This distribution includes INI files that
 will utilize DoorParty, BBSLink, or both,
  along with any local games. By changing
  the INI files, you can add door servers
         or local games with ease.
 Maintains a Top 5 listing for each menu,
  along with an overall Top 5 listing of
 doors used. This Top 5 is displayed with
 a scrolling banner on each menu, and will
    update real-time to show your most
          popular door games! 
88 24-05-2021 25 Kb. 29
   B1B2        CC B1B2             B1B2
   CC      CC   CC                     CC
              Official Release
       RCS Away From Keyboard v1.1
   Mystic a47 Mod that displays Matrix
   Rain(L/M) or a killer ANSI(W) after
   users idle for a set amount of time,
  setting the node status appropriately
  so other users know if a user is AFK!
   This archive contains MPL compatible
   with Linux, MacOS and Windows Mystic
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2021
     RCS Development Team - (c)2021 
89 07-12-2021 18 Kb. 29
   RR        RR CC             SS
   RR      RR   CC                     SS
              Official Release
 RCS Scrollz Announcements V1.0 Public Beta
 Ever wanted to be able to have a scrolling
   announcement on your Main Menu of your
  Mystic BBS system? Now you can! This MPL
   gives you the ability to have up to 10
   messages that are randomly chosen and
   displayed. The INI file gives you the
 options as to where you want it place, the
    speed and even the color of the text.
         Requires Mystic v1.12A47+
Will NOT work right on menu with Lightbars
 RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
          BBS community in 2021
    Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020-21 
90 31-07-2016 20 Kb. 53
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
              MPL Tutor: Part 1
A set of tutorials for Mystic Programming
Language (MPL). Compatible with Mystic 1.12+
This package contains the following tutors:
.. Text Files Basics
.. Record Files Basics
.. Screen Handling
.. Find and List Files
.. Filebase Manipulation
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 

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