File index of fsxNet Mystic BBS Utils, Mods etc. page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 28-04-2019 778 Kb. 40
           MysticBBS Multi Tool
        Linux/64 & Win/32 Versions
                28 Apr 2019
 MysticBBS Multi Tool has many uses for the
   Mystic Sysop. Perform nightly log file
  backups, Generate echo reports, detailed
        node reports, and much more...
Version has been officially released
   as Open Source under GPL license 3.0.
 Source code is included here, or the latest
      version is can be obtained from:
             RCS CRBBS(2017-19)
52 31-07-2016 56 Kb. 53
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
 Simple Text/ASCII Theme for Mystic BBS 1.12+
A very simple theme for Mystic BBS. It uses no
colors and only basic text characters, so you
can view your BBS, from any device that does
not support ANSI and has a very limited
bandwitdh. You may have to do some tweaking to
customize it for your BBS.
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
53 25-04-2019 64 Kb. 46
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
   Simple Text Theme for Mystic BBS 1.12A43
A very simple theme for Mystic BBS. It uses no
colors and only basic text characters, so you
can view your BBS, from any device that does
not support ANSI and has a very limited
bandwitdh. You may have to do some tweaking to
customize it for your BBS.
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
54 19-07-2019 1 Kb. 41
         Telnet IBBS List MPL
This MPL will obtain the current bbs list
from and give the user
 the option to download it from the BBS
      * Only tested with Linux * 
55 24-07-2016 7 Kb. 56
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
             Weather Information
Allow the users to search and view the weather
for any city in the world, with full details.
Collects data from OpenWeatherMap Project.
You can watch current weather and a seven day
forecast with temperature and humidity
predection. Needs Python to run.
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
56 27-11-2019 7 Kb. 33
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
           BBS Mail Post v1.0
Post echonet messages via email, from
any device. You can also check the One
Liners and Last Callers lists and get a
list of all message bases in your BBS.
Works only with Mystic BBS 1.12 A43+.
     Python 3 Script / Linux / RPi
57 05-02-2020 4 Kb. 34
Acidic Presents   [DAI v1.0 by maskreet]
  A Mystic mod that checks for dupe IPs
  And either denies or allows duplicate
    accounts based on sysop settings
  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
58 09-02-2020 26 Kb. 49
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
:       ViRTuaL BaSeS v0.1 // mpy       :
[] a complete new and different style
   file area for Mystic BBS 1.12A44+,
   written in MPY.
[] supports normal file bases and also
   custom virtual bases, which can have
   links for files in the NET or anywhere
   in your disks.
[] you can arrange the order of the bases
   exactly as you want and have as many
   groups, very easy, by just editing a
   CSV file. 
59 15-02-2020 5 Kb. 35
[0m              ggg
         ,,eee$$$  ,,aaa,.  $$$eea,.
        $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
        $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
        $$$ 0 $$$ $$$ 0 $$$ $$$ 0} ..
        $$$---$$$ $$$[1;30m---[0m$$' $$$------
        `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P'  $$$
[36m  [37mCrypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MP
     * Display current cryptocoin data
[36m     [37m* Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
     * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
60 01-02-2020 306 Kb. 34
  \\     /                            //
   _\   /   /   /   /    / __/   /   /
  /      __/   /   /____/  \      __/jp!
//____/    \__    / ___/   /___/    \
==== /______\/   /==\_____// =/______\\==
           RepeatersBook v1.2
  the new version of the repeaters door,
rewritten in Python3. also included a
scrape utility to get/build database of
repeaters from the site.
you can list/export records and also make
search queries. the app is open source
under GPL3, so you can make your own
                            linux // rpi

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