File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 9

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
81 25-10-1999 156 Kb. 11
Hot Corners 2.2 makes your screen borders and
corners more useful. 
82 30-01-1998 63 Kb. 11
HotScroll, extended PM window scrolling. 
83 16-02-2002 65 Kb. 12
A detailed analyses v1.32 how to access to WPS
objects(Dec., 4th 2001) 
84 17-01-1996 89 Kb. 11
More WPS desktop arrangement examples. 
85 02-07-1995 227 Kb. 10
IconEase 2.02 manage libraries of icons easily
in a compressed library.  If you have release
2.0b, don't download.  Doc Update. 
86 20-10-1988 131 Kb. 11
OS/2 version of ICON programming language. 
87 03-11-1988 43 Kb. 11
OS/2 ICON language - .DOCs 
88 23-10-1991 4 Kb. 9
Views OS/2 .ICO files all at once in one window.
 Minimal but handy for those big ZIPs  of hundre
ds of icons.  Freeware. 
89 15-11-1998 1 Kb. 10
This REXX script takes an INF file, scans it,
and creates a WPS object for that INF file. 
90 19-10-1995 109 Kb. 10
INF Librarian. (v1.0) Searches harddrive(s)
to find .INF files, then displays them in a
container. The books listed in the container
can then be viewed. Can also print the listing,
save the listing for future use, etc. 

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