File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 10-10-1999 446 Kb. 12
Dialog Enhancer '99 v2.04g. Essential upgrade
to your OS/2 Warp system! Give it the make-over
it deserves with new dialogs and smarter visuals
42 14-10-1991 22 Kb. 13
Desktop picture / Screen saver program v 1.31
update/bugfix. Contains just the executable
and DLL files. (Download DESKPIC2.ZIP for the
rest of the package). Freeware. 
43 09-06-1990 34 Kb. 12
Instructions and sample code for writing your
own extensions for DESKPIC.  Uploaded by author. 
44 07-06-1991 99 Kb. 12
Version 1.3 of the ever popular Deskpic - deskto
p picture / screen saver program.  This ZIP
includes EXE, backgrpund animation files and
screen blanker animation files.  Adds new "scree
n melt" and other animation files.  By John
45 07-11-1989 19 Kb. 11
Versatile desktop enhancement program. Adds
a PASTE item to the system menu of VIO apps
running in a PM window; puts any PM bitmap file
(.BMP) up as a new desktop background. 
46 12-02-2000 409 Kb. 14
DIVE modules for Screen Saver 1.0.00 (pusaver.zi
47 dlb100br.wpi 18-05-2000 52 Kb. 112
(drvlabel100br.wpi) Drive Label Daemon, ver
1.00.00 Brazilian Portuguese. Requires WarpIN
Installer. Updates the drives icon names with
their labels. 
48 dlb100en.wpi 18-05-2000 51 Kb. 112
(drvlabel100en.wpi) Drive Label Daemon, ver
1.00.00 English. Requires WarpIN Installer.
Updates the drives icon names with their labels. 
49 dltabk.cmd 17-10-1995 0 Kb. 124
New backgrounds every hour (or so). This REXX
job changes the OS/2 background every hour on
the hour and when it is loaded. Backgrounds
are randomly selected from the \bitmap\*.bmp
subdirectory. A suggested startup.cmd entry
is included. 
50 01-12-2000 414 Kb. 12
DragText v3.3 update 1- Drag and drop selected
text, pick up and drop text, copy and append(Dec
. 2000) 

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