File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 18-08-1999 33 Kb. 11
CMDRUN v1.2. OS/2 WPS replacement WPFolder/WPDis
k classes which give the ability to start comman
d line sessions from any folder/disk with the
current directory set to that folder/disk. 
32 07-04-1991 19 Kb. 11
Draws a simple line collage.  Can replace PM
33 04-09-1995 64 Kb. 11
Random Color Folder 95/09/04. WPS extension
that add's a new folder type to the WPS: ColorFo
lder. Everytime you open a ColorFolder the backg
round color changes. 
34 07-08-2002 732 Kb. 11
The Common Workplace Shell update for the Develo
per Device Driver Kit (DDK) - Apr 21 1998 
35 02-08-1997 147 Kb. 12
Console window customization utility allows
changing default size, position for individual
windows rather than system-wide. 
36 09-06-1991 4 Kb. 10
Screen Saver DLL extension for DESKPIC.EXE.
 Similar to Blocks, but random shapes. 
37 07-12-1998 21 Kb. 10
Create Shadows of the Most Recently Used Files,
a mimic of Windows 95 Start/Documents menu. 
38 19-04-1993 21 Kb. 11
CvS/2 is a Virtual Desktop utility for the OS/2
2.x Workplace Shell. When you start the program
you will see a 9 button grid. Each button repres
ents a screen.  The current screen is marked
with an "X". 
39 23-06-1999 803 Kb. 12
The complementary pack file for use with Dialog
Enhancer '99.  This archive must be unpacked
in the same folder as the install application. 
40 31-12-1999 845 Kb. 11
A replacement class for WPIcon, which makes
it possible to change the icon of one or more
objects, by dropping them on an icon object. 

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