File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 39

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
381 13-10-1992 89 Kb. 6
Trident zoomable desktop 1024 through 640 see
readme.doc for info. 
382 26-02-1996 1239 Kb. 6
OS/2 Trio32/Trio64/Trio64V+ drivers version
383 16-09-1992 87 Kb. 7
Trident 800x600x256 "virtual desktop" driver
for OS/2 2.0. Creates 1024x1024 desktop on 8900C
cards with 1 meg. 
384 21-11-1998 894 Kb. 7
Trident TGUI9680 Drivers v1.50b.  This package
was made mixing files from several Trident packa
ges to fix a lot of problemas that appears on
the "regular" 1.4 (04) TGUI9680 driver. Use
at your own risk. 
385 13-10-1995 983 Kb. 6
Trident 9440agi drivers for Warp.  Version 1.3
rel 03. Downloaded from Trident BBS (415) 691-10
386 ta1401.exe 05-08-1996 1130 Kb. 8
Trident video drivers for the TGUI9440 series
video cards. 
387 18-04-1995 767 Kb. 8
2.1, 2.11 & Warp drivers for S3 86C764/732 based
boards from S3 BBS. Dated 4/19/95. disk  1 of
388 18-04-1995 1352 Kb. 6
2.1, 2.11 & Warp drivers for S3 86C764/732 based
boards from S3 BBS. Dated 4/19/95. Disk  2 of
2. Also known as Trio64/32. 
389 13-01-1995 1145 Kb. 7
Trident 9440 Drivers for Warp 95/01/12. Trident
9440 drivers for Warp. Supports change of refres
h rate as well as resolution. Date 13 JAN 95. 
390 09-12-1992 641 Kb. 6
A new set of 32 bit video drivers for Trident.
Documentation claims seamless for the SP. 

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