File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 37

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
361 24-03-1993 58 Kb. 7
2.1 Beta fixes for Diamond Speedstar 24&24X 
362 02-11-1993 967 Kb. 6
OS/2 2.1 drivers for Spider Black Widow with
1 MB. (use spider1m -d for uncompressing) 
363 29-01-1994 909 Kb. 8
WD90X31 Drivers (Works with SS24X) from the
Diamond BBS. 
364 06-01-1994 562 Kb. 7
Diamond SpeedStar Pro Beta drivers v1.08 for
Windows 3.1 
365 11-03-1994 1101 Kb. 7
Diamond SSPro non-beta 1.08 video drvs and compl
ete utilities, supports pwr managment 
366 10-05-1995 2707 Kb. 7
Drivers and corrected install for Stealth64
VRAM and Video. 
367 22-06-1993 36 Kb. 7
Base video handler files to be used with the
STB Powergraph X24 and VL24 cards and the IBM
32-bit beta S3 driver. 
368 20-05-1994 707 Kb. 7
Diamond Stealth 32 display drivers v1.0 
369 23-01-1995 14 Kb. 7
Fix allows Diamond Stealth 32 owners to use
any video the board can support. including 1280x
370 stlos2.exe 28-05-1993 1038 Kb. 11
OS/2 2.0 drivers for the Diamond Stealth 24
- downloaded from the Diamond BBS.  Reportedly
do not work well with 2.1. 

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