File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 36

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
351 18-03-1994 1016 Kb. 7
Driver for SkyEagle video board using NCR chip.
 Sold by Alaris.  Driver is for OS/2 2.1. 
352 11-03-1995 203 Kb. 6
ATI Mach 32 Seamless Windows. 2 replacement
Seamless Windows drivers modified for ATI Mach
32 chipset & Warp. Resources are normal VGA-size
d instead of HUGE 8514-sized. Put in WINDOWS/SYS
TEM dir & change SDISPLAY= line in SYSTEM.INI. 
353 21-05-1993 117 Kb. 9
Small fonts/icons 1024x768x256 SVGA display
354 06-03-1995 38 Kb. 6
Small fonts and icons fix for Hi-Res Warp displa
y drivers. 
355 29-12-1994 25 Kb. 8
Small fonts and icons fix for Hi-Res Warp displa
y drivers. 
356 19-04-1994 123 Kb. 8
Permits operation of the Hercules Dynamite (Tsen
g W32) card at 1024x768x256 with small fonts
and icons, effectively creating a larger desktop
. (Modified for Tseng driver release ver. 1.02) 
357 10-12-1994 30 Kb. 8
Small Icons & Fonts for Warp 94/12/10. If run
Warp at 1024x768 or more, you've probably notice
d it's using 8514/A fonts & icons, which waste
a lot of screen real estate. This will patch
display driver to use small fonts & icons. 
358 30-08-2002 6443 Kb. 7
The SciTech SNAP v1.9.9 beta 1 graphic driver(Ju
l 2002) 
359 01-12-2002 6653 Kb. 6
The SciTech SNAP v2.0.0 beta 1 graphic driver(Au
g 24 2002) 
360 13-01-1995 1144 Kb. 8
STB Sprint/32 VL 1.1 OS/2 Video Drivers 

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