File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 8516enh.exe 20-09-1997 427 Kb. 23
Touch Screen Drivers for 8516 Monitors using
Windows 3.1 and OS/2 
32 85os2b21.exe 20-09-1993 1138 Kb. 17
GENOA/Cirrus Logic based OS/2 2.1 beta display
33 85os2b21.txt 20-09-1993 1 Kb. 130
Text File Describing Install of OS2 2.1 Beta
Display Drivers Direct from Genoa's BBS 
34 18-04-1995 767 Kb. 8
Drivers for S3 864 chip (used by Diamond's Steal
th 64 DRAM, etc.).  Downloaded from S3's  BBS
by Luis Zapata.  1 of 2 files  
35 18-04-1995 1352 Kb. 9
Drivers for S3 864 chip (Used by Diamond's Steal
th 64 DRAM card, etc.).  Downloaded direct from
S3's BBS (and not Diamond's which 
36 28-07-1993 573 Kb. 9
OAK-087 Prostar SVGA Drivers for OS/2. 
37 21-04-1992 12 Kb. 9 Trident allows you
to return TO PM after loosing sync in a full
screen dos mode 
38 8os21a.exe 06-11-1994 841 Kb. 17
Diamond Stealth 64 1.02 Driver Disk A. 
39 8os21b.exe 06-11-1994 1197 Kb. 22
Diamond Stealth 64 1.02 Driver Disk B. 
40 05-01-1998 1079 Kb. 9
Trident 9680 Video Drivers. This Update seems
to fix the problems with the WarpCenter and

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