File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 64os22.exe 28-01-1995 1169 Kb. 16
2nd of 2 disks  - version 1.04 video drivers
for OS/2 2.1, OS/2 2.11 for the Stealth 64Dram
2meg PCI/VLB card. 
22 05-06-1996 974 Kb. 6
ATI Mach64 v2.22 display drivers for OS/2 V2.11
and V3.0 (Warp & Warp Server). 
23 64pos2.exe 30-12-1994 2737 Kb. 15
#9 OS/2 WARP Drivers, GXE & GXEPro. Drivers
for OS/2 2.1, 2.11, & Warp.  S3 support. 
24 64pos2f.exe 18-10-1995 2212 Kb. 18
OS/2 drivers for #9 GXE64Pro dated 9-28-95 Downl
oaded from #9 BBS  
25 12-08-1993 535 Kb. 7
Beta SVGA drivers for Oak 067/077 cards. 1M
video RAM required. Downloaded from the Oak
BBS. Includes 256 color drivers for 640x480,
800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions. 
26 20-03-1995 789 Kb. 8
S3 VL-41 (S3 805 chipset drivers, eg. Jaxx),
which fix various problems. 1 of 2. 
27 19-03-1995 936 Kb. 7
S3 VL-41 (S3 805 chipset drivers, eg. Jaxx),
which fix various problems. 2 of 2. 
28 8514.dsk 25-02-1996 1018 Kb. 143
OS/2 Device Driver for BGA / 8514. 
29 8514.rme 25-02-1996 16 Kb. 153
Information file on BGA/8514 driver. 
30 26-02-1994 201 Kb. 8
Small character font for 8514 adapter. 

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