File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 28

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
271 26-11-1990 90 Kb. 6
OS/2 1.2x 800x600x16 driver for Paradise VGA
272 08-02-1991 2 Kb. 7
Instructions from Paradise regarding their 8514A
card and OS/2 (uses IBM driver). 
273 24-02-1993 1 Kb. 6
Patch F1280 drivers to work with other S3 cards. 
274 23-01-1990 352 Kb. 5
OS/2 1.2 vram & 1024i drivers from Video-7. 
275 10-09-1991 447 Kb. 6
Trident Drivers for v1.2/1.3/2.0. The latest
released Drivers for PM in 640x480x256 colors,
800x600x16/256 colors, and 1024x768x16/256 color
s (dated 9/10/91). Looks like a complete distrib
ution disk. 
276 13-12-1991 190 Kb. 6
Beta drivers for PM in 640x480x256 colors, 800x6
00x16/256 colors, and 1024x768x16/256 colors.
Supposed to have swatted a few bugs with PMWord,
and something else. Just the DLLs and a readme
file. Dated 12/12/91 
277 24-01-1990 287 Kb. 7
PM drivers for Video-7 Fastwrite v 1.05 Dated
278 07-07-1992 234 Kb. 6
Orchid ProII OS/2 2.0 16 color BETA drivers
(07/07/92). Supports 800x600x16 and 1024x768x16
up to 60Hz refresh. Orchid 256 color SVGA driver
s are available in PROII8.ZIP. 
279 07-07-1992 350 Kb. 7
Orchid ProII OS/2 2.0 BETA 256 color SVGA driver
s (07/07/92). 640x480x256 800x600x256 1024x768x2
56 up to 60Hz refresh. 16 color drivers are
available in PROII4.ZIP. 
280 q61204a.exe 20-09-1997 1233 Kb. 12
S3 v2 drivers OS/2 6588 6888 v3.03.07 Disk 2
of 2 

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