File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 27

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
261 osmip202.exe 17-12-1994 1248 Kb. 9
V-7 Mercury ISA/VL/PCI driver. 
262 osmir202.exe 17-12-1994 1209 Kb. 12
V-7 Mirage ISA/VL driver. 
263 ostrio16.dsk 05-02-1996 1737 Kb. 115
OS/2 Trio 64/64 Prime Drivers 
264 21-06-1989 7 Kb. 5
Auxiliary output to second monitor. An AUX devic
e driver for output to a second display (MDA)
running under OS/2 in an ISA machine with a
primary color display of CGA/EGA/VGA. 
265 15-10-2002 123 Kb. 6
The P2VideoIn Device Driver v1.1 with support
for ELSA Gloria Synergy and WINNER 2000/Office
ViVo(May 1998) 
266 15-07-1993 422 Kb. 6
Beta display drivers for the Orchid P9000 board.
PKUNZIP -d to a diskette. Then make the volume
label of that diskette DRIVERS. 
267 07-10-1993 1034 Kb. 7
Sixgraph Wizard 900VL OS/2 2.1 display drivers. 
268 23-11-1994 3 Kb. 5
High refresh rates for Weitek P9x00 & Warp.
See README file. 
269 21-11-1990 92 Kb. 7
OS/2 1.2x 1024x768x16 driver for Paradise VGA
 cards (requires 512k or 1 meg RAM). 
270 03-12-1990 91 Kb. 6
OS/2 1.2x 640x480x256 driver for Paradise VGA
 cards (requires 512k or 1 meg RAM). 

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