File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 14

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
131 27-06-1989 58 Kb. 8
Everex Viewpoint 800x600 driver for 1.1. 
132 15-03-1994 396 Kb. 10
Advance Logic SVGA display drivers v1.41, disk
1 of 2 
133 08-03-1994 319 Kb. 9
Advance Logic SVGA display drivers v1.41, disk
2 of 2 
134 28-06-1994 395 Kb. 10
STB Express PCI beta SVGA driver, July 94. As
used in Dell Dimension XPS-P90. Disk 1 of 2. 
135 28-06-1994 208 Kb. 10
STB Express PCI beta SVGA driver, July 94. Disk
2 of 2. 
136 13-12-1992 203 Kb. 7
Orchid F1280 OS/2 2.0 1024x768 driver release
2, 12/13/92 
137 23-05-1993 502 Kb. 10
Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 drivers v3.0. 
138 20-05-1993 5 Kb. 7
System of command files to aid in installation
of Farenheit 1280 drivers for OS/2. This is
one persons' observations, is not approved by
Orchid. Requires,, or F10x8.zi
p as well as FWIN31.EXE. 
139 14-04-1993 250 Kb. 8
April 14 Orchid F1280 Beta drivers. This is
the latest release of the Orchid F1280 drivers.
 This file is for 1024X768x256 only.  See f8x8.z
ip for 800x600 drivers. 
140 14-04-1993 250 Kb. 10
April 14 Orchid F1280 Beta drivers. This is
the latest release of the Orchid F1280 drivers.
 This file is for 800x600x256 only.  See f1x8.zi
p for 1024x768x drivers. 

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