File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 23-06-1997 1504 Kb. 8
OS/2 video device driver for S3 Vision864/964/86
122 29-08-1996 1139 Kb. 10
S3 Virge Driver V.1.00.12. OS/2 graphics-acceler
ator device driver supporting the ViRGE and
ViRGE/VX chip sets from S3 Inc. 
123 10-07-1991 2 Kb. 8
ET-4000 DLL modifications for correct icon sizes
. This files describes the modifications require
d to correct the icon sizes from 64 x 64 to
32 x 32 on the ET-4000 hi-res drivers. Text. 
124 01-10-1992 380 Kb. 8
Focus 4000 and 4000+ video drivers for OS/2
v2.0.  Requires PKZip v1.93a or UNZ50X32.ZIP
to uncompress. 
125 06-12-1993 89 Kb. 8
Patch IBM supplied driver to allow non-interlace
d mode for Tseng Labs ET4000 cards in 1024-786
126 13-01-1996 159 Kb. 9
ET4000 W32P/D small fonts driver. 
127 12-01-1995 158 Kb. 10
OS/2 PM driver for users of W32p Rev D based
videoboards. Fixes ET4000/W32/W32p videodriver
problems (WARP). 
128 10-07-1996 654 Kb. 7
Beta level drivers for display adapters using
Tseng Labs ET6000 chipset. 
129 03-08-1999 3 Kb. 8
( OS/2 GRADD display driver
v0.11 for ET6000-based video adapters (perhaps
also usable for ET6100 and ET6300 cards). Curren
tly there is no 2D acceleration support. 
130 ev1000.exe 06-11-1990 136 Kb. 23
Everex Viewpoint VGA Driver for OS/2 1.2 and
1.21. For 800x600 and 1024x768 (must have 512K
RAM). Direct from Everex. 

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