File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 37

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
361 22-08-1996 5 Kb. 12
Source code for DIVE Article in Sept 96 OS/2
Magazine.  A C++ DIVE Class for use in multimedi
a applications and games. Allows high-speed
direct screen access. 
362 19-04-1995 5 Kb. 11
Text info file on Direct Interface Video Extensi
ons, with programming example. 
363 06-05-1994 7 Kb. 12
How to Write UICL Classes for Your Own Controls. 
364 14-02-2003 28 Kb. 10
DJGPP v2.011 - Dynamically Loadable Module Suppo
rt library for DJGPP (Jul 21 2000) 
365 dlgcpp.txt 18-09-1995 1 Kb. 82
Manipulating Dialogues in C++. Describes the
contents of the package. 
366 30-08-1995 26 Kb. 12
Manipulating Dialogues in C++ 95/08/30. Contains
sample source code and driver for the article,
"Manipulating Dialogues in C++", that appears
in the September/October 1995 issue. 
367 17-11-1990 17 Kb. 12
Example code and exe for OWNERDRAW listbox 
368 13-07-1994 136 Kb. 11
Programmers graphics library (using DIVE) 
369 03-02-1988 22 Kb. 12
Describes structure and use of DLLs.  Text file
containing an article for programmers on the
structure and use of dynamic link libraries
by Ross M. Greenburg. 
370 20-12-1993 39 Kb. 12
Gpf 2.1 C++ DLL generation. Generating and calli
ng windows in a DLL with Gpf naturally  differs
depending on whether C or C++ code generation
is  selected.  This file contains a C++ sample. 

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