File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Tips & Techniques page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 15-12-1994 821 Kb. 10
All of the *.FAX and *.TXT files from the OS/2
Shareware BBS Tips and Techniques file area
as of 12/15/94. 
62 altdesk.txt 16-11-1995 4 Kb. 140
How to Fix the Alternating Desktop Problem.
Users who are seeing two different Desktops
on more or less alternate Boots of OS/2 have
a problem in the File Handle Structure of the
OS2SYS.INI file. Describes how to fix problem
using UniMaint. 
63 ami3impt.txt 11-10-1995 1 Kb. 110
Technical note on importing AmiPro 3.0 docs
into MS Word and WordPerfect; No AmiPro filters
available from Lotus.  
64 25-12-1995 24 Kb. 9
The AMI BIOS Survival Guide. 
65 amipwos2.doc 11-10-1995 0 Kb. 87
Technical note regarding problems/resolutions
 in running AmiPro 3.1 for Windows from within
66 amir30.fax 30-11-1994 10 Kb. 131
Installing Lotus Ami Pro for OS/2 in a domain
for use as a Public Application for use by OS/2
Requesters. Selected items, such as aliases
& drives, can be customized for specific circums
67 13-03-2000 5288 Kb. 10
Installing ANYNET/2: documentations, requirement
68 asynch.fax 31-12-1994 3 Kb. 150
Asynchronous communication and performance issue
s. symptoms: modem is slow. modem looses data. 
69 atbus.fax 03-12-1994 6 Kb. 165
ISA AT BUS Installation workarounds. 4/29/94. 
70 ati.fax 05-12-1994 9 Kb. 160
Configuring the ATI card using mach8 or mach32.

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