Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
51 | 9595ec.fax | 30-11-1994 | 3 Kb. | 148 | Engineering change 9595 ECA001 announced for the 50MHz Enhanced Processor card. 94/02/25. |
52 | | 01-12-1995 | 1 Kb. | 7 | How I Got Warp/Seamless Windows 95/12/10. Advent ures in setting up the WD90C33 the video drivers are described. I explain some confusion in the choice of "display adapter utility program". Text only. |
53 | abios.fax | 03-12-1994 | 2 Kb. | 187 | Installing on Computers with ABIOS. Covers ABIOS problems on RAM Loadable ABIOS systems. 4/27/94. |
54 | | 11-04-1994 | 71 Kb. | 9 | An INF version of a help file for those interes ted in running AutoCAD in OS/2. |
55 | accin.fax | 30-11-1994 | 12 Kb. | 148 | Procedures for replacing NET.ACC, adding a serve r, & synchronizing an additional server with the domain controller. 93/12/01. |
56 | adapls.fax | 29-11-1994 | 6 Kb. | 152 | List of Network Adapter Cards & NDIS MAC Drivers supported on NTS/2 & LAN Server Version 3.0. Additional cards are supported by DCE (MPTS 1.0). 94/06/03. |
57 | adapmp.fax | 29-11-1994 | 7 Kb. | 137 | List of Adapter Cards & NDIS MAC Drivers for DCE (MPTS 1.0). 94/06/03. |
58 | addriv.fax | 29-11-1994 | 8 Kb. | 160 | How to Add a Driver Through NTS/2. 93/10/30. |
59 | addsrv.fax | 30-11-1994 | 2 Kb. | 123 | Add an additional server 93/12. Errors NET3084, NET3055, & NET3113. Execute the ADDSVRIN utility to add the server name to the NET.ACC on the failing server. |
60 | ah274x.txt | 22-12-1994 | 0 Kb. | 84 | WARPTIPS Hang info on AH274x cards |