File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Tips & Techniques page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 danovl.fax 25-02-1995 8 Kb. 174
Creating a VMB for Netware LAN Requester 94/10/1
9. Creating a DOS image file for OS/2 2.x to
be used with the netware V2.1 LAN requester
for OS/2. VMB - Virtual Machine Boot. 
152 daperf.fax 02-12-1994 1 Kb. 162
OS/2 2.x CPU performance for DOS applications
running in a multitasking Virtual DOS Machine
(VDM). 94/07/18. 
153 daset.fax 25-02-1995 52 Kb. 193
DOS Settings for an OS/2 Desktop Icon 94/12/16.
This document describes the Standard DOS Setting
s in an OS/2 Virtual DOS Machine (VDM). 
154 davmb.fax 01-12-1994 16 Kb. 183
Creating a DOS VMB (DOS boot image). Instruction
s to create a DOS image file VMB - (Virtual
Machine Boot) for OS/2 2.x Standard VMB Boot
(Part 1) or Multi-Boot VMB (PART 2). 94/07/18. 
155 davovl.fax 25-01-1995 8 Kb. 152
Creating a VMB for the Netware LAN Req. 94/10/19
.  Creating a DOS image file for OS/2 2.x to
be used with the Netware V2.1 LAN Requester
for OS/2 VMB - (Virtual Machine Boot). 
156 dawp.fax 02-12-1994 4 Kb. 173
Standard setup & fax setup for WordPerfect 5.1,
6.0 in a Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) for OS/2
2.x. 94/07/18. 
157 db2q_a.txt 12-02-1995 129 Kb. 142
Frequently asked Q & A for DB2. 
158 dbicon.fax 29-11-1994 2 Kb. 160
Procedure for recovering the Database Manager
icons. 12/15/92. 
159 dbinst.fax 09-01-1995 4 Kb. 169
Using the Database 94/10/10. General-purpose
flat file database program. Consists of group
of one or more records with each record containi
ng eight lines (fields) with 30 characters in
each field. File can contain up to 5000 records. 
160 dbmtrc.fax 29-11-1994 4 Kb. 163
Instructions for tracing the Database Manager
under the OS/2 Extended Edition. 92/07. 

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