File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Tips & Techniques page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 d5sal.fax 03-12-1994 5 Kb. 158
OS/2 2.1 Hangs on Disk #5 After Reboot, Using
3.5 Salmon Diskettes/CD. 3/16/94. 
142 da0005.fax 25-02-1995 2 Kb. 155
SYS0005 Access Denied string DOS APP 95/01/10.
Describes procedure to fix the SYS0005 error
ACCESS DENIED when starting DOS programs. 
143 da1000.fax 03-12-1994 3 Kb. 144
Dropped connections: emulators, fax, etc. Interr
upt rate greater than 1000/sec. 94/05/04. 94/07/
144 daacad.fax 03-12-1994 5 Kb. 161
AutoCAD version 10 & 12 running in a DOS session
under OS/2 2.x. 94/05/07. 94/08/11. 
145 dacdrm.fax 25-01-1995 9 Kb. 186
Instructions for setting up CDROM in VMB for
OS/2 2.x 94/10/19 
146 dados6.fax 03-12-1994 8 Kb. 168
How to install the MS-DOS 6 upgrade package
to co-exist with OS/2 2.x. 94/07/18. 
147 dageow.fax 03-12-1994 1 Kb. 98
Procedure for installing & running GeoWorks
Ensemble V2.0 94/07/18. 
148 dalots.fax 03-12-1994 14 Kb. 172
Lotus 123 Setup, problems & workarounds in an
IBM OS/2 2.x Virtual DOS Machine (VDM). 94/07/27
149 damem.fax 03-12-1994 9 Kb. 188
SYS3176, Hangs, OS/2 2.x Expanded memory (EMS)
conflicts with DOS applications running in a
Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) 94/07/18. 94/06/03. 
150 danmpp.fax 03-12-1994 28 Kb. 130
Discusses named pipes (interprocess communicatio
n). 94/07/18. 

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