File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - General Info page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 23-06-1993 2 Kb. 12
OS/2 Application Brief for ARA. This is the
first in a series of Application Briefs put
out by PSP concerning how their customers are
using OS/2.  The file talks about ARA - the
 largest services management corporation in
the world. 
52 14-11-1993 33 Kb. 12
The November 1993 listings of shipping OS/2
exploitive and other applications. 
53 24-04-1994 37 Kb. 25
Discussion of IBM Speech products, mostly ICSS,
techniques, problems, hardware used with it. 
54 asciwrd6.doc 15-02-1994 5 Kb. 53
Transcription of IBM's fax for fixing MS-Word
6.0 install of Examples & Demos in OS2 
55 27-11-1992 2 Kb. 12
This file describes and documents the AT/ISA
IRQs and their relationship to OS/2 v2.0. This
is a good read for EE ES ISA/AT clone customers,
especially SDLC users. 
56 27-11-1992 3 Kb. 8
This text file describes the AT/ISA bus IRQs
and there usage. It also documents the OS/2
restrictions and limitations when using EE or
ES Comm. adapters. A must for the ISA SDLC users
57 avcerror.txt 05-03-1994 135 Kb. 124
AVC error messages 
58 avcfconv.txt 05-03-1994 10 Kb. 94
AVC descript. of TIFF, TGA, IOCA, BMP 
59 24-05-1994 20 Kb. 11
AVC Performance Article -- OS/2 Developer, May/J
une. This is the unabridged version of John
Sweeney's article in the May/June OS/2 Developer
60 awards.txt 13-12-1993 1 Kb. 123
IBM win numerous awards in Holland's largest
computer club. Little piece about the awards
that IBM has won in the reader survey of Holland
's largest computer club (60.000 members). 

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