File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - General Info page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 25-01-2002 383 Kb. 13
A lesson about advanced programming under OS/2
42 22-03-1989 4 Kb. 13
Errata to "Advanced OS/2 Programming" 
43 alec.res 16-11-1994 17 Kb. 137
Ashish Gupta's response to Alec Saunders. 
44 alg68wp.lzh 08-03-1995 34 Kb. 113
A white paper about ALGOL 68 and the compiler
being developed for OS/2. In .INF format, so
use VIEW.EXE to read it.  
45 27-08-2006 1083 Kb. 11
/bt Full list of all files on this BBS -- sorted
by arrival date. Updated nightly, free download. 
46 27-08-2006 1091 Kb. 14
/bt Full list of all files on this BBS -- sorted
alphabetically.  Updated nightly, free download. 
47 ami3envl.txt 23-10-1995 2 Kb. 91
A brief tech note illustrating how to get the
 Hewlwtt Packard Deskjet 500 and 500C to print
 envelopes in Amipro 3.0 for OS/2  
48 amifix.inf 10-12-1994 3 Kb. 103
AmiPro 3.0 workaround for SYS3175. This is a
VIEWable INF file containing a workaround to
the AmiPro 3.0 SYS3175 error when running/instal
ling AmiPro 3.0 on a DCF/2 virtual disk unit. 
49 apcug.txt 13-01-1994 1 Kb. 136
Message containing information on how to reach
 the Association of PC User Groups and how they
can help with your User Group. 
50 apogee.txt 20-09-1997 7 Kb. 123
Microsoft at Apogee. Here is an alternative
view to the M$ problem seen by the former Autode
sk president John Walker. 

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