Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
71 | | 14-12-1993 | 335 Kb. | 10 | CS-Edit/2 Demo Edition. A crippled edition of CS-Edit/2 that has the 'save file' feature of the editor removed. You can still check, change, print or otherwise edit your CONFIG.SYS file. |
72 | | 19-02-2003 | 69 Kb. | 11 | CUBE v3.0 and tools to configure multiple boot drives. See: /cube (Jun 24 2002) |
73 | | 21-03-2001 | 1935 Kb. | 11 | Drive Fitness Test(DFT) v2.10 - A hard drive verification tool(1999) |
74 | dhrymon.lzh | 27-12-1991 | 13 Kb. | 100 | New CPU monitor (scaled in Dhrystones). No Jumpi ng of the display, smooth |
75 | | 10-10-2002 | 72 Kb. | 10 | DISKGEN.EXE - Part of the Software Installer v1.41(Jun 14 1996) |
76 | | 07-09-2002 | 24 Kb. | 7 | DLLRNAME - A tool to change the reference name in a DLL. Sample: DLLRNAME XYZ.DLL pmmerge=wmmer ge(1997) |
77 | | 30-06-1994 | 113 Kb. | 9 | /bt This is the freely distributable demonstrati on version of DisplayMaster from Commix SP. You can now buy the licensed commercial version of DisplayMaster right here on the OS/2 Sharewar e BBS. Please see the +MarketPlace section. |
78 | | 24-08-2002 | 107 Kb. | 10 | Donkey is a keyboard object to supports a "stick y key" behavior, can assign sounds to key event (down, up, and repeat) and view/add/remove/rena me keyboard layouts (a DVORAK layout is included ). |
79 | | 30-01-2002 | 119 Kb. | 8 | Drag & drop with a PM monitor program(source included) - 1995 |
80 | | 23-11-1997 | 80 Kb. | 10 | DSKSLEEP.FLT - a filter driver to stop your SCSI disks when they haven't been accessed for some time. Timeout selection per disk, IOCtl interface. For OS/2 2.0 and above. |