File index of OS2SWBBS: Sound Files page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 11-09-1993 401 Kb. 8
A collection of .MOD type music files, For use
on any MOD player. Songs include Star Trek Theme
, Airwolf, Quantum Leap and Monty  
22 05-09-1995 979 Kb. 8
HAL 9000 95/09/05. Collection of 45 WAV files
with the voice of the HAL 9000 computer taken
from the movies 2001 and 2010. Most of them
were gathered from the internet & converted
from original .au format to .wav. 
23 14-03-1992 218 Kb. 7
.WAV file "Hasta La Vista, Baby" 
24 25-04-1994 426 Kb. 8
Lyle from SNL, sound bite #1 
25 25-04-1994 313 Kb. 10
Lyle from SNL, sound bite #2 
26 25-04-1994 204 Kb. 9
Lyle from SNL, sound bite #3 
27 28-08-1994 2315 Kb. 8
A huge collection of Midi Files that include
Rock, country, Classical, alternative, dance,
and contempory titles. 
28 09-11-1994 15 Kb. 8
MIDI Files: "Marine Corp Anthem" and "Anchors
Away". Drums/Bass/Horns/Strings arrangement. 
29 13-10-1995 44 Kb. 8
Music Manager for OS/2 95/09/09 (Alpha Version).
OS/2 multi-threaded program that maintains large
music databases & provides quick sort/queries.
This is an alpha version (read included readme)
& provides many features. Beta testers needed. 
30 01-11-1995 834 Kb. 8
Some great system sounds for Windows & OS/2
(.WAV format) This is an update of NUMANW10.ZIP
- nothing NEW here, just greatly cleaned up
sounds (plus some recommended settings). 

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