File index of OS2SWBBS: Sound Files page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 22-05-1995 3719 Kb. 6
BESTWAVE.ZIP - All the best .WAV files for OS/2
- includes an edited selection of StarTrek,
cartoons, noises, and movie clips. Good clean
fun for your sound card. 
12 16-08-1998 1216 Kb. 7
A OS/2 sound scheme based on Blakes 7. 
13 13-11-1997 233 Kb. 11
Collection of bluegrass MIDI files. 
14 borgwa.lzh 29-08-1992 198 Kb. 92
This is a collection of wav's from a few Star
Trek: the Next Generation episodes. Incl: "We
are Borg." "I am Locutus of Borg." "Resistance
is futile.", "You will be assimilated." and
"We have the Borg on visual." 
15 08-09-1994 1702 Kb. 7
Collection of .WAV files, probably from Firesign
Theater.  Includes: space.wav, time.wav, unhappy
.wav, welcome.wav, whistle1.wav, and yes_dr.wav. 
16 13-11-1997 550 Kb. 8
Collection of MIDI files. 
17 26-11-1994 102 Kb. 8
Doom System Sounds for OS/2! System sounds from
the game DOOM! to replace default sounds. Unzip
into MMOS2/SOUNDS Directory (Readme.txt for
18 13-09-1993 1886 Kb. 10
Sound Bites from the Deep Space 9 Pilot episode. 
19 24-06-1997 25 Kb. 8
This is the original "I've Fallen and I Can't
 Get Up" sound clip from the original commercial
.  Perfect for Warning or Error  
20 05-01-1994 1021 Kb. 8
The 1994 IBM OS/2 Fiesta Bowl Advertisements
in .WAV format (audio files). 

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