File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 18-05-1995 131 Kb. 10
Unix cron (REXX) *and* PM editor for cronfiles. 
92 18-06-1992 23 Kb. 10
REXX program to run commands regularly. It allow
s you to specify, in a control file, times and
dates at which particular commands should be
executed. The program starts and runs forever,
dispatching commands at the given times. 
93 04-02-1994 31 Kb. 11
Unix cron - run programs at specified dates/time
s. Enhancement: 1993-09-20, changed the definiti
on of ANSI-color-sequences; gets them from the
enclosed procedure ScrColor.CMD. 
94 02-09-1992 12 Kb. 12
REXX WorkPlace Shell Tips, Techniques and Sample
s for using the Rexx WorkPlace Shell functions.
Many useful tips and information about using
SysCreateObject, SysIni and related functions
to manipulate and tailor the WorkPlace Shell. 
95 18-04-2003 0 Kb. 11
A REXX routine to convert a *.CSC file to a
*.IDL file(1996) 
96 20-12-1993 14 Kb. 15
CUBE REXX search & replace engine. This is the
zip file mentioned in January issue of OS/2
Magazine article. 
97 d2.lzh 10-05-1993 4 Kb. 93
This is a freeware multi directory display and
multi col. display for OS/2 done in rexx.  
98 dab.cmd 19-05-1994 3 Kb. 141
Delete All But (certain files). REXX. Uses VRexx
. Shows scroll window of files for confirmation.
New version.  
99 11-11-1992 1 Kb. 10
Delete all but utility written with REXX. Allows
you to specify up to ten wildcards or filenames.
The program "deletes all but" the files specifie
d on the command line. 
100 16-10-1993 1 Kb. 10
A REXX procedure to execute backups (or anything
else) on a daily basis at a particular time. 

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