File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 22-08-1993 19 Kb. 11
A sample VisPro/REXX program using Database
102 19-10-2002 439 Kb. 11
DATABASE.EXE as a VX-REXX application(Apr 1
103 30-04-1996 21 Kb. 11
REXX scripts to allow transformations and calcul
ations on sorted dates. Used with CRONRGF3. 
104 10-03-1993 37 Kb. 11
DB2/2: REXX Sample Files. This is a collection
of "starter set" REXX programs that access the
IBM OS/2 DB2/2 product (replacement for the
older 16-bit Extended Services DBM). 
105 07-08-1990 27 Kb. 10
Convert dBase III files to EE DBM with REXX. 
106 05-03-1993 1 Kb. 11
Displays all inbound/outbound connections to
a DBM (including the "invisible" DDCS gateway
passthrough connections). Requires the RXU.ZIP
and ACSUTI.ZIP Rexx function packages). 
107 06-04-1996 10 Kb. 10
DBMPLUS is an SQL command line interpreter based
on IBM's command line interpreter DBM for DB2/2.
Written in Rexx, can be operated under OS/2
Warp with DB/2 Ver 1.2 or later. 
108 21-09-1991 3 Kb. 11
OS/2 DBM Reorganization Utility (REXX). This
REXX procedure performs table REORG and RUNSTATS
for all tables in a given database. It shows
the very strong OS/2 DBM REXX implementation. 
109 22-09-1993 3 Kb. 11
DBSchema - Generate DDL in REXX for existing
DB. REXX program that will generate a REXX progr
am that  can be used to generate tables and
indexes for an existing  database. Source includ
110 21-04-1996 79 Kb. 11
DBStatus, uses REXX interface (SQLAR.DLL) to
DB2/2 to gather data. Users, Workstations, lock
status, no. of transactions. 

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