File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 21-03-2003 171 Kb. 9
CHECKURL as REXX program v99.086 to check URLs(F
eb 23 2002) 
72 06-08-1991 1 Kb. 11
CHGCASE.CMD -- Simple REXX program to change
the name(s) of one of more OS/2 files to lower
case (or upper case). 
73 12-01-2002 3 Kb. 12
A REXX procedure to check the CONFIG.SYS semanti
cs(4th revision) - Jan.,5th 2001 
74 17-03-1993 5 Kb. 11
CHKCONF is a REXX program that will syntax check
and semantic check the CONFIG.SYS file.  It
will verify that paths in the PATH. DPATH and
LIBPATH exist.  It will verify that all DEVICE
and DEVINFO files are present. 
75 chkey.cmd 13-12-1993 0 Kb. 160
CHKEY like dos's ASK.EXE with timeout. Usually
called from other .CMD file to get keyboard
input with a timeout. The timeout is usually
used to set a default answer. Like the DOS ASK.E
XE except you can enter a whole string of charac
76 15-02-1998 4 Kb. 13
REXX script to remove orphaned files from PMINew
s .GL directories 
77 23-04-1994 2 Kb. 12
REXX file to allow CID installation of third
party LAN drivers without having to add them
to the NTS/2 .ZIP files. Instructions are includ
ed as comments. 
78 09-05-1995 2 Kb. 12
REXX Launcher for OS2-CIM. A REXX procedure
I use to launch OS2-CIM 2.0.1, almost eliminatin
g my  file cabinet problems.  See OS2-CIMA.TXT
after unzipping.  Requires you to  have initiali
zed the REXXUTIL functions before executing. 
79 03-10-1993 276 Kb. 12
VxRexx Class editor. 
80 clrlib.cmd 12-09-1994 2 Kb. 128
ClearLib is a REXX program which will erase
any Golden Commpass catalog files you have when
a .DOW file is detected which will download
newer entries. 

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