File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 21-05-2003 0 Kb. 11
A REXX exec to invoke the Debugger under APPC
62 cdd.cmd 06-07-1997 0 Kb. 137
Change Drive and Directory. Small REXX that
emulates 4OS2's CDD commant to change current
drive and directory with a single command. "Ente
r CDD /?" for command usage. I wrote this  becau
se I got tired of issueing two commands. 
63 06-10-1992 5 Kb. 12
Semi intelligent batch edit for CONFIG.SYS REXX
procedure accepts Switches or file of commands
on how CONFIG.SYS should be changed.  
64 05-11-1993 33 Kb. 9
REXX Config.sys editor for Batch changes. Extrem
ely useful when updating any machines. Requires
RXU13.ZIP + Optionally BACKINI.EXE 
65 05-08-1995 196 Kb. 12
CEMT INQ from REXX Programs 95/08/05. DLL &
two samples on how to perform CEMT INQ functions
from a REXX procedure. Unzip distribution file
into an empty dir. If using PKUNZIP2, include
the -d switch to recurse into dir's. 
66 26-09-1994 2 Kb. 13
Simple Rexx utility to update environment variab
le entries in CONFIG.SYS or other  configuration
67 cfit.cmd 04-01-1993 2 Kb. 157
REXX program to copy files to diskette, pausing
when diskette full to allow swap to new one. 
68 09-08-1992 2 Kb. 13
Some Rexx Scripts to make data input in rexx
more covienient 
69 15-03-1997 1 Kb. 10
A REXX CGIparse procedure for those writing
REXX CGI scripts. 
70 30-08-1996 18 Kb. 9
c.cmd, a REXX program to change drive and direct
ory easily. 

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