File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 61

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
601 04-05-1999 43 Kb. 4
TEMPLATE v98.233. Rexx utility accepts user
input and generates one or more output files
from a template. You specify (without coding)
what questions will be asked and what validation
s should occur. Some basic validations are built
602 04-08-1995 5 Kb. 5
OS/2 REXX Prog to test for Pentium BIOS error.
Will read copy of ?:\OS2\DLL\....DLL into storag
e for control use & will concurrently reread
DLL file while copying the same DLL file to
a floppy in Drive A: in another session. 
603 11-01-1994 4 Kb. 4
Working Example of RxQueue & InterProg Comm.
604 07-04-1994 23 Kb. 4
C source code to a REXX function library (ie,
 add new commands to the REXX language). Makes
 a good template for your own function libs 
605 25-09-1993 43 Kb. 4
Sample RxExtras-VisPro/REXX Multithreaded app.
A VisPro/REXX project (source included) that
shows how you can multithread your application.
Uses RxExtras. 
606 03-07-1995 21 Kb. 4
TickerTape Object for VX-REXX. V1.0.0. Provides
horizontal scrolling "Ticker Tape" text object
for use in the VX-REXX environment. Also availab
le as an OS/2 Custom Control for C/C++ developer
s. Create real-time ticker feeds. 
607 02-07-1994 5 Kb. 4
Time setting utility. A small REXX program which
calls the Naval Observatory and resets the syste
m clock on your machine. Read the doc included
for command line parameters. 
608 18-08-2002 8 Kb. 4
A REXX procedure to synchronize the time via
a proxy for GMT(Apr 9 2001) 
609 12-07-1991 24 Kb. 4
Significant performance improvements for REXX
external functions. 
610 tntfix.cmd 16-10-1992 0 Kb. 57
A Rexx program to fix OS2TNT.DOC for printing.
A little Rexx program that will strip out extran
eous lines from OS2TNT.DOC so that each page
has exactly 66 lines. The resulting OS2TNT.TXT
can then easily be printed. 

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