File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 58

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
571 12-01-1993 2 Kb. 4
SELDEL is a VREXX program which selectively
deletes OS/2 applets, unlike the program on
the service pak this procdure allows you to
choose productivity apps to keep rather than
deleting them in one fell swoop. 
572 30-01-1993 5 Kb. 4
Selfprg is a Rexx program that will unpack a
archived file to a user directory and create
and place objects from the archived file on
the desktop. Freeware 
573 06-05-1994 9 Kb. 5
This is a sample program implementing VisPro/REX
X's semaphore support. The example will monitor
a specified drive and swapper, at a variable
time interval. 
574 server.cmd 07-07-1991 1 Kb. 68
OS/2 interprocess comm demo using REXX queues 
575 24-02-2002 289 Kb. 4
Three REXX tools for obtaining assigned printers
for each user, deleting all assigned printers
of all users, and reading all assigned printers
of all user on a server(Feb., 17th 2001) 
576 28-08-1993 2 Kb. 4
REXX script to change any of the default OS/2
pointer icons. 
577 21-11-2001 1993 Kb. 4
IBM's Redbook 'Object REXX for OS/2 - Rexx Bytes
Objects Now or Taking the "Oh, oh!" out of OO',
SG24-4586-00 (Oct. 15th 1996) 
578 20-10-1996 1 Kb. 4
Shadow files of interest in a single folder.
REXX prog creates a folder on the desktop and
 populates it with shadows of files of interest.
This version  removes the restriction of limitin
g the files to a single directory. 
579 12-06-2003 7 Kb. 4
CMDShell - is an REXX program which allows you
to create icons for OS/2 program manger to run
command line functions. The icon can be set
up to ask you for command line parameters before
the program is actually run.  
580 06-06-1992 54 Kb. 4
Rexx pgm allow examination/modification of .INI
file contents. 

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