File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 57

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
561 12-06-2003 113 Kb. 3
RXWEB v0.19 - REXX functions for CGI scripts
processing data validation, file uploads, ing
e-mail via SMTP and POP3 mail, documents via
HTTP, and building PDF documents(Jun 27 2002) 
562 18-04-2000 188 Kb. 3
RxExtras v1.G - A library with many externals
functions for REXX, VisPro/REXX and VX-REXX
(April 2000). 
563 19-11-1996 11 Kb. 3
RXXMATH v1.3 -- Arbitrary Precision Math Functio
ns for REXX. 
564 20-01-1998 17 Kb. 3
Embed REXX procedures in XyWrite programs (DOS/W
565 20-08-1991 135 Kb. 4
An online REXX Reference. A complete update
and significant enhancement to Brian Buck's
566 samp$.zip 27-12-1994 21 Kb. 7
Small utilities written in REXX. May serve as
programming examples & ideas. General routines
are INI file updates, parsing command lines
into flags & positional parms, etc. 
567 15-07-1994 40 Kb. 5
Ver. 3 - Sel. Delete, Move & Copy.  Ver. 3 also
includes disk info. such as Free, Used &  total
disk space. Also sector/Cluster Info. 
568 21-12-2000 1 Kb. 5
SCRERESO.CMD - A REXX utility to read the config
ured vertical, horizontal screen resolution
and the number of colors. 
569 search.cmd 28-05-1993 2 Kb. 57
Find Text in ASCII-Files (incl. Subdirs). Simila
r program to FIND, but this REXX-Scripts include
570 13-04-1994 15 Kb. 3
This REXX-extension has three functions. you
can query diskinfo, you can read and write secto
rs on any disk (floppy, FAT, HPFS, CDROM). All
disks are readable. Some disks cannot be locked
for writing. 

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