File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 40

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
391 11-03-1991 1 Kb. 7
This is a zip file containing the examples from
chapter 2 of the rexx users guide  
392 12-03-1991 4 Kb. 7
this is a zip file containing the rexx examples
from chapter 3 of the rexx users's guide  
393 28-04-1992 5 Kb. 6
Information on how to create WPS objects using
394 26-08-1999 12 Kb. 7
RexxComm is a simple utility for creating better
-documented REXX programs.  
395 14-12-1989 3 Kb. 8
OS/2 Some more sample REXX procedures 
396 10-03-1994 38 Kb. 6
DLL with date functions for REXX.  Difference
in days, is it leap year.  With inf file. 
397 19-11-1992 30 Kb. 7
REXX Extended Attributes Package. A DLL containi
ng a package of REXX callable functions for
handling Extended Attributes of a file or direct
ory. Exceeds function available with REXXUTIL
library. For release 2.0 only. 
398 28-09-1995 110 Kb. 8
RexxEdit v1.10 95/09/28. A Rexx Editor, to devel
op and test your rexx programs in a fast and
easy way. 
399 27-10-1995 1152 Kb. 7
VisPro/REXX 3.0 Evaluation Version. Full-feature
d visual programming tool for OS/2 REXX language
. Drag & drop coding, multiple views of a form,
standalone executable files, team development,
& visual ODBC database design/reverse engineerin
400 01-03-2003 15 Kb. 8
A REXX XBM converter for different applications
as a japanese development(Mar 21 1998) 

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