File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 39

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
381 11-08-2002 5 Kb. 6
A REXX procedure to test digital video(SMV)
- 1995 
382 rexxac.txt 12-02-1995 5 Kb. 65
Rexx & AutoCAD 12 Automated DWG Changes. Scripts
to: Make file list of files in directories speci
fied. Rexx cmd to run acad 12 "script" on all
files in file list. 3) For a Unix/NFS environmen
t: Will rename all filenames in dir. to lowercas
383 rexxacad.txt 27-06-1995 17 Kb. 50
v.2 OS/2 REXX Automate Autocad script running.
Make file list of all files in dir's. Run acad
12 "script" on all files. Make acad script that
might say change a dwg from one companies layeri
ng scheme to another. Run against list of files. 
384 28-08-1997 83 Kb. 7
RexxAlgo 1.31 - some useful Rexx algorithms
- searching and sorting of stem variables, -
time transformation (Julian date to Gregorian
date, year with century), - strings formatting,
- square root and cube root, and more. 
385 23-09-1991 54 Kb. 7
OS/2 2.0 REXX Programming Reference. Draft copy
of the OS/2 2.0 REXX programming interfaces
online documentation. 
386 06-02-2002 57 Kb. 7
The REXX Program Reference - How to call REXX
under C/C++(1994) 
387 28-09-1995 49 Kb. 8
Excellent introduction to REXX in INF format
by Jeff Glatt, author of RXDLG & FILEREXX Free. 
388 12-04-1993 11 Kb. 7
SysReboot and SysSyncDisk (2.1 only) calls from
REXX.  See test.cmd for example usage. Not for
OS/2 1.x.  
389 14-09-1995 18 Kb. 7
Rexx Interface for OS/2 Btrieve. 
390 rexxcc.20 30-10-1997 258 Kb. 66
REXXCC v3.20 - a tiny REXX "compiler" for OS/2
REXX programs. REXXCC "compiles" REXX programs
by substituting the source code with any text.
REXXCC "compress" REXX programs by deleting
all comments, superfluous whitespaces and CR/LFs

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