File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 35

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
341 13-04-1996 3 Kb. 11
Soft Recovery Technology Real Audio Launcher.
REXX program and doc file to allow an OS/2 user
to run the Real Audio player. Does not require
342 03-10-1992 3 Kb. 9
REXX Archive File Lister -- Uses VREXX as a
front end for UNZIP/UNARJ/LH to view .ZIP/.ARJ/.
LZH interiorfile listings. 
343 26-03-1995 2 Kb. 12
System Monitor App from '95 Rexx Report 95/03/26
. System Monitor Application described in the
Rexx Report article titled, "E-Mail Enabling
Rexx". Contains complete source code for system
monitor. Must also download to run
344 10-01-1994 1 Kb. 8
REXX Procedure to randomize tracker modules
and send them to PM Tracker  
345 18-08-2003 15 Kb. 9
Randomizer v4.0 - The REXX Randomizer is a light
weight database built with the specific intentio
n of selecting random items from lists (fields,
arrays, etc) - (Jul 30 2001) 
346 06-12-1997 228 Kb. 8
REXXCC 3.21 - a tiny REXX "compiler" that substi
tutes the source code with any text, preserving
code in EA. Freeware. Use EA aware unzipper,
like InfoZip 5.2, or it won't work. :) 
347 31-08-1993 4 Kb. 8
This REXX script can be used to quickly change
the current working directory, by searching
the directory structure for directories that
partially match the user supplied argument. 
348 01-12-1992 33 Kb. 10
Create PM (C) programs from .RC and .DLG files.
Requires VREXX package. New release has Checkbox
/RadioButton logic added. 
349 05-01-1993 46 Kb. 8
Rc-Do-c PM Code Generator. This VREXX program
reads .RC and .DLG files to create a PM program
that is fully compilable. Check boxes, Radio
Buttons, Entry fields, and MLE logic is added
350 24-04-1999 1231 Kb. 9
REXX Code Formater/2. OS/2 REXX app written
using VisPro/REXX and VisPro/Reports. Allows
a REXX programmer to format a program in a parti
cular style & insures each element conforms
to that style. Shareware, $15. 

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