File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 34

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
331 22-09-1993 5 Kb. 11
REXX programs implementing unix csh pushd/popd/d
irs. This is an update to version 2.0 of pushd
(pushd20.ZIP). This version adds support for
directory names with embedded spaces. 
332 26-11-1993 2 Kb. 8
OS/2 Command Line (REXX) directory push/pop.
REXX routines to navigate drive/directory change
s via an ENV variable stack.  
333 26-05-2001 1 Kb. 9
A REXX utility putlong.cmd v1.01 to assign a
LONGNAME (< 255 characters) Extended Attribute
for a file without changing its real name (2001) 
334 14-09-2002 52 Kb. 10
A REXX package to show and delete processes.
A test for XF86SUP.SYS is included(Oct 20 2001) 
335 29-03-1991 1 Kb. 8
Quick Change Directory Ver 1.0. Rexx Command
Procedure which allows you to change directories
by specifing partial directory names. Type QCD
-? form Help 
336 06-07-1991 2 Kb. 10
Query Date Program. An interesting program that
provides the date and the phase of the moon.
Another early REXX program. 
337 06-07-1991 2 Kb. 11
REXX Query Time program An interesting program
that provides the time of day in English. One
of the first REXX programs ever written. Author:
Mike Cowlishaw, the inventor of the REXX Languag
338 28-05-1998 3 Kb. 10
REXX Word()-like function which recognizes quote
d strings. 
339 03-02-1995 3 Kb. 10
REXX - Reads messages.dat file from QWK packet
and selectively extracts messages to text file. 
340 23-07-1998 200 Kb. 8
REXX2EXE v98.204 Compiles rexx code to create
".EXE" files. The resultant executable does
not contain the source and by default is compres
sed and encrypted so people can't even patch
text strings.  

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