File index of OS2SWBBS: Productivity Programs page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 09-04-1992 49 Kb. 10
Present! (NC) by the Frobozz Magic Software
Cy. Present! is a freeware sheet presentation
program for OS/2 2.0. Script driven text based
overheads on the PM desktop. 
72 16-01-1995 2412 Kb. 8
Magus PageTurner PostScript Viewer Demo for
OS/2. Will view only the sample PostScript files
which are included with it. The demo may be
freely distributed. 
73 27-03-1997 3 Kb. 10
Extends the VisPro Spreadsheet Object to make
it more usable. SubClass the SpreadSheet Class
to enhance functionality. OPTIMIZE the Spreadshe
et so that the cols width is big enough or every
entry in this col. 
74 14-05-1994 512 Kb. 10
Spreadsheet Calculator sc v6.21, OS/2 & DOS 
75 15-11-1994 4098 Kb. 9
SearchManager/2 Try out version 94/11/30. This
is a self-extracting EXE file for IBM's SearchMa
nager/2 try out version. Limited to index 50
documents. Download into a separate dir & run
SM2TRY.EXE. Then run SM2INST.EXE to install. 
76 so31book.pdf 25-04-1997 391 Kb. 92
StarOffice 3.1 beta english manual (PDF format).
English manual for StarOffice 3.1 beta (PDF
File to use with Acrobat Reader for OS/2). 
77 04-11-1996 1178 Kb. 10
StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk A) 
78 04-11-1996 1316 Kb. 9
StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk B) 
79 30-10-1996 1316 Kb. 10
StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk C) 
80 30-10-1996 1316 Kb. 10
StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk D) 

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