File index of OS2SWBBS: Productivity Programs page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 20-09-1995 995 Kb. 11
OPUS Workgroup & Project Planning. OPUS V1.0
demo & test license (english) 32bit for OS/2
OPUS is project planning & administration softwa
re. Monitors project costs & employees workload
& provides flexible configuration, & more. 
62 23-04-1995 767 Kb. 9
Paint 2.00 PM, edit pixels, draw lines, and
color areas, works with 256 color Windows BMPs,
writen in CA-Realizer for OS/2. 
63 06-08-2000 2663 Kb. 9
Papyrus OFFICE v8.23 as a demo version(August
64 24-08-1995 799 Kb. 9
pf 2.90, Programmers/Technical graphics program
Fast and easy to publication quality Complete
documentation is included with the binary. 
65 01-09-1995 798 Kb. 10
pf 2.90, Programmers/Technical graphics program
Fast and easy to publication quality Complete
documentation is included with the binary. 
66 26-10-1993 40 Kb. 11
A simple plotter for quick and easy generation
of X/Y plots from files of numerical data. This
is another update to fix the problem opening
a file dialog. 
67 21-10-1988 68 Kb. 9
PM application for creating charts.  Creates
bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts.  No
68 06-07-1992 142 Kb. 11
PM interface to MSC SQL Server v 1.1. PMDB V1.16
2 Latest version.Provides PM "saf" like windowed
interface in SQL server. Requires MSC SQL Server
V1.1. Shareware. Much better than saf. 
69 28-02-1990 126 Kb. 7
PM paint/drawing program.  Allows the creation
of various lines, curves, and objects, with
colors, and the use of installed fonts plus
a group of supplied fonts. 
70 06-12-1992 93 Kb. 9
Version 2.20 of PmSpell. PmSpell is a spelling
program for elementary grades. This is a 32bit
2.0 program. 

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