File index of OS2SWBBS: Productivity Programs page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 28-08-1991 73 Kb. 11
OS/2 PM DBase 3 Filebrowser Version 1.0. A sampl
e DBase File is also included Contains all OS/2
Functions and it INCL_ statements. With this
tool you can optimize your #include "os2.h". 
12 11-09-1991 394 Kb. 10
OS/2 EE DBM Performance Demo. C-source code
included. Demonstrates record blocking, Applicat
ion Remote Interface, use of indexes, dynamic
vs. static SQL. 
13 08-03-1996 109 Kb. 11
DBExpert Version 2.0 Product Info. Graphical
OS/2 database that enables both users & develope
rs to quickly create tables, queries, forms,
reports, & even entire applications without
programming or using SQL. 
14 21-11-1991 55 Kb. 12
OS/2 EE Database Manager Configuration and Usage
Monitor.  Polls to show user stats: transactions
, lock state, etc. Great tool. 
15 17-05-1991 88 Kb. 10
DDEExecute Patch. Replacement DLLs that correct
a problem using the DDEExecute command from
other applications to Word for OS/2. Also correc
ts a problem reading keyboard in OS/2 version
1.3 Standard Edition. 
16 demoos2.exe 15-02-1998 934 Kb. 18
OS/2 demo version of Eagle Layout Editor from
Cadsoft.  If you are looking for an easy to
use, powerful and affordable Printed Circuit
Board Design package that gets the job done,
EAGLE is the #1 choice. 
17 16-01-1998 333 Kb. 11
DrawIt 2.7. Vector oriented drawing package
for OS/2 Warp. It supports most features you
expect in a "paintbrush" like program with many
extra nifty features. For example: gradient
and fountain fill, and more. 
18 28-03-1994 83 Kb. 13
ENVELOGO for OS/2 1.02. Quickly print envelopes
with your LOGO/return address. Select envelope
style from listbox. Get send-to address via
clipboard, even type it (shudder). OS/2 2.X,
19 25-06-1995 157 Kb. 10
Simple PM Database program. 
20 flg96ovw.exe 12-10-1996 226 Kb. 18
Freelance Graphics 96 for OS/2 Warp Overview

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