File index of OS2SWBBS: Productivity Programs

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 25-02-1998 1291 Kb. 11
Lotus Smartsuite 96 OS2 c.1997 filters for 1-2-3
and Freelance in both OS2 and Win95 formats. 
2 20fe.htm 12-10-1996 6 Kb. 200
Lotus WordPro 1996 for OS/2 Full Featured Demo.
2nd instruction text file in orig html format. 
3 2122.htm 12-10-1996 5 Kb. 219
Lotus WordPro 1996 for OS/2 Full featured Demo.
1st of 2 info text files in html format. 
4 30-09-1996 22123 Kb. 14
/bt Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance for
OS/2. Requires Warp 3.0 plus special Lotus-only
Fixpack 23 (for pre-Warp 4 systems). For install
ation see
m (Free Download) 
5 21-03-1997 188 Kb. 10
APT Mailing Assistant prints envelopes and label
s with POSTNET bar codes. Supports multiple
address files, custom labels, non- U.S. addresse
s, import/export, bulk mailing and printing
of bulk mail permit. 
6 18-06-1991 86 Kb. 11
Business Graphics Toolkit demo 
7 15-12-1991 5 Kb. 11
Describe 3.0 macro to make bulleted or numbered
paragraphs. Tested on OS/2 1.3 
8 26-08-1995 13 Kb. 11
VIPER Database Creation Tool 95/08/26. GUI utili
ty used to create database files compatible
w/ VIPER Database Engine. Need copy of VROBJ.DLL
(v 2.1c) to run the executable. Included is
the entire VX-REXX project with source code. 
9 csvexp.cmd 19-09-1997 3 Kb. 122
Mesa2 script to export a range to a CSV file 
10 05-12-1991 27 Kb. 10
Version 1.5  Converts Dbase 3 dbf and ndx files
to OS2 EE Data Base Manager.  Creates a  REXX
cmd file to do it. 

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