File index of OS2SWBBS: Printer Utilities page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 11-10-1993 49 Kb. 13
LJL.ZIP V1.600 -LaserJet print utility. Works
with all PCL4 compatible printers.  LJL will
print a text file in lanscape mode with line
numbers and line wrap. Will simulate green bar
(gray bar). A great source code printing utility
72 04-04-1991 7 Kb. 12
Dual page LaserJet printing of ASCII files using
gray bars for formatting.  
73 23-08-1990 6 Kb. 11
Two up listings on a LJ printer in prot mode. 
74 28-06-1995 427 Kb. 11
Print AFP documents on a personal laser printer
v2.5a dated 09/07/95. 
75 12-04-1993 827 Kb. 11
IBM EWS Fonts for use with LP3820 HP-PCL and
4019 PPDS modes 
76 24-03-1991 23 Kb. 10
LPR is a line printer program.  Input from stdin
or command line.  Has options for page length,
printer, and title line.  
77 22-04-1993 20 Kb. 11
LPTLED displays LPT status in a PM window. This
is a 32 bit program designed for OS/2 2.x. 
78 11-05-1993 6 Kb. 11
2/15/93 version of lptx.sys from Lexmark for
4033 support.  If you are using LPTX.SYS, you
 *need* this. (For OS/2 2.0 only) 
79 25-09-1997 111 Kb. 12
Mpage is a program to reduce and print multiple
pages of text per sheet on a PostScript compatib
le printer. 
80 18-05-1992 4 Kb. 12
A small utility to set the mode on the NEC silen
twriter Model 95 printer.  

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