File index of OS2SWBBS: Printer Utilities page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 29-12-1999 3764 Kb. 13
Printing postscript via the IBM Network(spanish
62 02-05-2003 141 Kb. 13
Some utilities for EPSON and HP 845 printer(Apr
12 2002) 
63 09-02-2001 1981 Kb. 11
HP LaserJet Screen Font v2.74 for Laserjet Famil
y 4,5,6, and Color Laserjet Family. 
64 23-01-1991 167 Kb. 10
LaPrint 0.11 - PM interface for IBM's TCP/IP
for OS/2 lpr command.  Now supports both 8514/A
(XGA) and VGA.  Source included with  
65 24-07-1996 736 Kb. 11
Laser Launcher 1.0 - a PCL-5 print utility for
OS/2 (Windows version available).  
66 28-04-1993 59 Kb. 11
Print 2-up on HP Laserjet. This program prints
a series of files on the LaserJet printer. The
files are printed in landscape font at 17 cpi.
Two "pages" of information from the file are
printed on each piece of paper. 
67 07-07-1988 8 Kb. 12
LaserJet print utility, 2-up in l'scape mode.
 Executable LJ2UP utility, prints file in landsc
ape mode 2-up on LaserJet. 
68 15-07-1988 28 Kb. 13
Two-up pages for HP LaserJet. 
69 17-01-1991 21 Kb. 12
Print two-up listing on HP Laserjets.  Version
2.5 adds duplex support, tray selection, and
index divider tabs. 
70 07-07-1988 6 Kb. 11
Source only for HP LaserJet 2-up printing utilit
y.  All OS/2 calls used are FAPI and live within
their family-mode restrictions, so the executabl
e can be bound if desired. 

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