File index of OS2SWBBS: Printer Utilities page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 19-01-1994 10 Kb. 14
REXX script which can print ASCII-Files in 2
columns, small font on an Epson FX80 or compatib
32 30-04-1995 18 Kb. 12
Soe REXX-Scripts which allow a kind of pretty-pr
inting of ascii-files on either an epson fx80+
or an epson stylus 800. 
33 12-03-1995 2874 Kb. 13
Ghost Script 3.12 for OS/2 94/10/30. Postscript
viewer & printer for non-postscript devices.
View & print most postscript files to non-postsc
ript printer using OS/2 fonts. Includes EMX
library required to run executables. 
34 11-07-2000 2808 Kb. 14
A GHOSTSCRIPT 6.01 drivers for the printer HP
850C (July 2000) 
35 27-03-1998 1144 Kb. 14
Ghostscript 5.50 (1 of 8) An interpreter for
the PostScript (TM) language, with the ability
to convert PostScript language files to many
raster formats, view them, and print them withou
t Postscript. 
36 04-06-1998 1142 Kb. 14
Ghostscript 5.50 (2 of 8) An interpreter for
the PostScript (TM) language, with the ability
to convert PostScript language files to many
raster formats, view them, and print them withou
t Postscript. 
37 17-09-1998 979 Kb. 14
Ghostscript 5.50 (3 of 8) An interpreter for
the PostScript (TM) language, with the ability
to convert PostScript language files to many
raster formats, view them, and print them withou
t Postscript. 
38 18-09-1998 819 Kb. 12
Ghostscript 5.50 (4 of 8) An interpreter for
the PostScript (TM) language, with the ability
to convert PostScript language files to many
raster formats, view them, and print them withou
t Postscript. 
39 17-09-1998 1218 Kb. 12
Ghostscript 5.50 (5 of 8) An interpreter for
the PostScript (TM) language, with the ability
to convert PostScript language files to many
raster formats, view them, and print them withou
t Postscript. 
40 17-09-1998 1399 Kb. 14
Ghostscript 5.50 (6 of 8) An interpreter for
the PostScript (TM) language, with the ability
to convert PostScript language files to many
raster formats, view them, and print them withou
t Postscript. 

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