File index of OS2SWBBS: Network Device Drivers & Info page 19

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
181 11-03-1992 11 Kb. 6
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: Proteon. LAN Manager
2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the Proteon P1340, P1342
, P1346, P1347, and P1840 network adapters (OS/2
182 12-03-1992 5 Kb. 6
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: Racore. LAN Manager
2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the Racore M8113, M8114,
and M8115 16/4 Token-Ring network adapters (OS/2
183 16-04-1992 8 Kb. 7
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: Ethernet 3016. LAN Manag
er 2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the SMC Ethernet
3016 network adapter (OS/2 version). 
184 25-03-1992 19 Kb. 7
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: Access. LAN Manager
2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the Ungermann-Bass Acces
s/PC-8, Access/PC-16, and Access/MC network
adapters (OS/2 version). 
185 25-03-1992 19 Kb. 6
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: NICps/2. LAN Manager
2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the Ungermann-Bass NICps
/2 network adapter (OS/2 version). 
186 18-04-1996 499 Kb. 6
SMB servers and client for NetBIOS over TCPIP. 
187 01-11-1992 4 Kb. 6
SourceLink v2.0 (32Bit) Product Information.
SourceLink provides a powerful programming tools
et combining the functionality of hyperlink
source code access with an integrated editor
and a large collection of productive programming
188 12-06-2003 13 Kb. 6
The SMC EtherPower II 10/100 Ethernet Adapter
driver(Feb 28 2001) 
189 02-04-1991 8 Kb. 5
NDIS drivers:Spider Communications SC-100E. 
190 str32.dsk 21-08-1993 720 Kb. 77
IBM LANStreamer Adapter Driver Diskette for
OS2.1 and DOS. 

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