File index of OS2SWBBS: Network Device Drivers & Info page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 02-04-1991 7 Kb. 5
Racal Interlan NI9210 MCA Ethernet NDIS Drivers 
172 02-04-1991 7 Kb. 6
Racal Interlan NI5210 ISA, EISA Ethernet NDIS
173 03-03-1992 15 Kb. 6
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: WaveLAN. LAN Manager
2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the NCR WaveLAN/AT and
WaveLAN/MC network adapters (OS/2 version). 
174 08-07-1991 7 Kb. 5
NDIS Driver for LM2.0: EtherLink16. This file
contains the LanMan 2.0 drivers for the 3Com
EtherLink16 network adapter. (OS/2 Version) 
175 08-07-1991 7 Kb. 5
NDIS Driver for LM2.0: EtherLink/MC. This file
contains the LanMan 2.0 drivers for the 3Com
EtherLink/MC (3C523) network adapter. (OS/2
176 04-04-1991 9 Kb. 7
NDIS Driver for LM2.0: Racal Interlan ES3210.
This file contains the LanMan 2.0 drivers for
the Racal Interlan ES3210 EISA network adapter.
(OS/2 Version) 
177 16-07-1992 26 Kb. 6
NDIS Driver: LM 2.x: Compaq/Proteon. LAN Man
2.0 & 2.1 driver for Compaq Dual-Speed Token
Ring network adapter and Proteon P1990 Token
Ring network adapter (OS/2 version). 
178 30-07-1991 14 Kb. 8
NDIS Driver for LM2.0: Research Machines MCA.
This file contains the LanMan 2.0 drivers for
the Research Machines MCA Ethernet network adapt
er. (OS/2 Version) 
179 02-10-1991 9 Kb. 6
Accton EtherCoax 16N NDIS Driver. This file
contains the LAN Manager 2.0 drivers for the
Accton EtherCoax 16N network adapter (OS/2 versi
180 03-04-1992 6 Kb. 8
NDIS Driver for LM 2.x: ED586/32. LAN Manager
2.0 and 2.1 drivers for the Eden Sistemas ED586/
32 network adapter (OS/2 version). 

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