File index of OS2SWBBS: Multimedia Programs page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 24-03-1998 31 Kb. 13
Simple CD Player does not need MMOS/2. Multiple
CD drives support. 
52 29-05-1997 25 Kb. 13
Simple CD Player for OS/2 - Does not need MMOS/2
and PM Multiple CD drives support. 
53 30-03-2000 299 Kb. 13 CDRDao v1.1.3 write
CD-R/RW in Disc-At-Once mode. 
54 21-05-1997 46 Kb. 13
Audio CD track reader. 
55 01-02-2000 459 Kb. 13
( CDRecord/2 v1.8a32.
OS/2-port of cdrecord the cd-burning program
from *nix. It is based on version 1.8a32 of
56 21-05-2003 1095 Kb. 13
CDRTOOLS v.2.2.01 A01 - A program to write CDs
and DVDs. Without a key limited to 1 GB. EMX
is required. See: resear
ch/cc/glone/employees/ joerg.schilling/private/c
drecord.html (Jan 27 2003) 
57 cdrwiz.wpi 13-05-2000 1400 Kb. 152
CDR/RW Wizard v.0.99 beta 13. English. Requires
WarpIN Installer. Multithreading GUI Wizard
interface to CDRECORD/2 to burning CDR / CDRW
(data, audio, etc).  
58 cdrwizi.wpi 13-05-2000 1400 Kb. 164
CDR/RW Wizard v.0.99 beta 13. Italian. Requires
WarpIN Installer. Multithreading GUI Wizard
interface to CDRECORD/2 to burning CDR / CDRW
(data, audio, etc).  
59 13-05-2000 1507 Kb. 13
CDR/RW Wizard v.0.99 beta 13. Italian. Multithre
ading GUI Wizard interface to CDRECORD/2 to
burning CDR / CDRW (data, audio, etc).  
60 11-05-1993 12 Kb. 13
Command-line utility to play a track on the
CD (w/ Source). This program is used to play
a single, or a range of tracks from a CD in
the CD-ROM Drive.  (Good for a quick "multi-medi
a" program development.) 

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