File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 86

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
851 03-10-1994 42 Kb. 2
Set of REXX programs to monitor a com port runni
ng SLIP and kill & restart slip if the carrier
is lost. 
852 12-11-1993 42 Kb. 2
Intelligent UU/XX-decoder. 
853 07-06-2003 17 Kb. 2
RXDYNDNS v0.6 - A  simple DynDNS update script
for OS/2 REXX and a simple OS/2 ppp0 daemon(Mar
8 2003) 
854 23-09-1993 83 Kb. 2
REXX function package providing access to the
OS/2 TCP/IP API as provided by the IBM TCP/IP
product, version 1.2.1. 
855 05-06-1995 3 Kb. 2
A *very* basic identd program. 
856 25-03-2000 28 Kb. 2
REXX Internet Utilities v0.16. Simple utilities
using REXX sockets.  Included are urlget for
downloading files by URL via HTTP or FTP, and
ngfetch for downloading a list of all newsgroups
from a news server. 
857 24-03-1999 57 Kb. 2
RxMirror v1.3 - an automated FTP mirroring tool
in REXX. 
858 29-04-1993 35 Kb. 2
RexxNews news reader (req. IBM TCP/IP & rxSock) 
859 13-12-1997 13 Kb. 2
RXPOP - REXX-Utils for POP-Mailing. Check a
POP account and automatically download messages. 
860 14-09-2002 74 Kb. 3
The S390 Endicott TCP/IP UN2101 TCO setup of
FTPD.EXE for UN_2101 TCP/IP v4.21 for OS/2 Warp(
Jan 7 2002) 

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