File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 62

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
611 17-07-1995 1092 Kb. 3
NeoLogic Network Suite is a set of tools for
improving access to the Internet from your OS/2
desktop.  If offers a full featured news reader,
FTP, and Gopher clients.  The suite also now
includes a full featured FTP server. 
612 02-08-1995 1096 Kb. 2
NeoLogic Network Suite V2.1 NeoLogic Network
Suite is a set of tools for improving access
to the Internet from your OS/2 desktop.  If
offers a full featured news reader, FTP, and
Gopher clients.  Also includes a full featured
FTP server. 
613 06-06-1996 2665 Kb. 2
NeoLogic Network Suite V4.5e Demo.  NetSuite,
LA Times news reader, LA Gopher client and LA
FTP client. 
614 14-03-1999 7 Kb. 4
no-idle v1.3. Utility to keep your slip/ppp
connection active. freeware. 
615 14-04-1998 2046 Kb. 3
Internet email support for Lotus NotesMail.
Adds POP3 and SMTP support to the Lotus NotesMai
l v4.1 package which comes with OS/2 Warp 4. 
616 29-09-1996 1850 Kb. 3
Database to setup the Lotus Notes client in
OS/2 WARP 4.0 as an internet mailer. 
617 22-12-1997 360 Kb. 2
PNG plugin for Netscape/2. 
618 16-09-1999 73 Kb. 3
NewsPlex allows to access several news-servers
simultaneously and transparently from any news-r
eader as if they were a single server, and to
take articles for each group from many servers. 
619 01-03-1999 40 Kb. 3
MET-image plugin for Netscape/2. 
620 07-06-2003 191 Kb. 4
A netpay report of the WebSphere Site Analyzer
v4.1(Oct 23 2002) 

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