File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 61

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
601 07-12-2000 145 Kb. 2
NFSD.EXE - A version for MPTS(IC28455) from
Oct. 25th 2000 
602 05-07-2000 699 Kb. 2
NFTP version 1.62 (OS/2). 
603 20-05-1999 766 Kb. 3
NewsHarvest 1.4o. OS/2 PM app for automatic
retrieval of Usenet News binary articles. OS/2
Presenation Manager 32bit executable. Fully
automatic operation (sutiable for batching).
Encoding methods- MIME (base 64), UU Encoding,
and XX. 
604 17-07-2003 53 Kb. 3
NISTIME2 v0.2d for OS/2 as RFC 867 client for
NIST time servers to update a PC clock. Backward
-compatible upgrade to NISTIME utility provides
better accuracy :+/- 0.5 second.(Nov 3 2001) 
605 25-09-1997 149 Kb. 3
This "bridge" allows Netscape to run Java 1.1
applets using the OS/2 JDK 1.1.x. 
606 28-06-1999 1181 Kb. 2
Internet notifier for OS/2. 
607 26-06-1999 1181 Kb. 2
NetLookout for OS/2 is a internet notifier.
 It will watch Web, FTP and Gopher sites, and
tell you if they have changed. 
608 13-03-1999 11 Kb. 3
newmail v1.2. Lets you know when new mail comes
in via pop3. 
609 17-07-2003 1255 Kb. 3
NMAP v2.54 beta 30 for OS/2. Nmap network securi
ty scanner man page. EMX is required. Source
is included.See:
b 25 2002) 
610 12-05-1995 122 Kb. 3
Update for NetSuite/2's News reader.  Fixes
crashing when populating list of avail groups
and more. 

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