File index of OS2SWBBS: Internet (TCP/IP & Comm) page 51

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
501 13-01-1997 139 Kb. 4
HTML version of the Lyris Programmer's Guide.
Lyris is a program for running and managing
Internet mailing lists. 
502 07-01-1997 2491 Kb. 3
HTML version of the Lyris User Guide. Lyris
is a program for running and managing Internet
mailing lists. 
503 21-09-1994 4 Kb. 4
Ultra-Simple REXX-based POP3 client (requires
TCP/IP 2.0 with 2nd CSD) 
504 06-06-1996 97 Kb. 4
MailExtr v3.x (OS/2) for Microsoft Mail MailExtr
polls MS Mail for messages sent to it and if
it gets one, copys the attachments to a director
y of your choice and, as an option, notify anoth
er user via a message. 
505 27-08-1995 28 Kb. 4
Animated Icons for WebExplorer, Magnifying glass
, 256 colors. 
506 10-09-1995 11 Kb. 4
Mail.cmd Version 1.1, by Ruud Senden. The REXX-s
cript will automatically log on to the Internet,
exchange mail and news and optionally hang up
507 26-05-1993 12 Kb. 3
Tiny Mail allows you to read and write mail
from your PC without needing LAMAIL. Provides
a bare-bones minimal setup that resembles "old"
Unix line-mode MAIL readers. 
508 20-04-1994 27 Kb. 3
Text mode mail reader for IBM tcp/ip. Updated
to included user requests.  
509 mailb102.exe 06-03-1999 744 Kb. 4
EmTec MailBell v1.02, watches your email account
s and puts your email program just one click
away when mail arrives.  
510 03-12-1997 64 Kb. 3
MailCut is a utility for converting EMAIL-Files
from Netscape, Elm and Eudora into PM-MAIL forma

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